What We Believe

Who Are You?

We believe that you are created in God's image. We believe that you are unconditionally loved. We believe that you are infinitely valuable. We believe that God has a specific and extraordinary plan for your life. Don't always feel that way? Or live that way? We understand. That disconnect is just a result of our alienation from God. But that's why Jesus came...

Who is Jesus?

Jesus is God in the flesh. He came to seek us, save us, and restore our relationship with God so that the image of God would be restored in us as well. He did that by living a perfect life, dying in our place, and rising to live again. And when God changes us through Jesus, He uses us to accomplish His greater plan to restore and renew all things to His original design.

What Is The Church?

The Church (capital "C") is made up of all of God's people who have lived throughout time. The local church (little "c") is just a gathering of those people. One of God's local churches just so happens to gather at the corner of Bayview and Steeles in Toronto. We believe that the local church is God's primary vehicle for transformation in the world. It's not about the building or the programs, but it's about the people who call it home. And we would love for you to call it home too.

Bayview Glen Church is a member of the Christian & Missionary Alliance of Canada

As a member of the Christian and Missionary Alliance of Canada, Bayview Glen Church aligns itself with the C&MA statement of faith. Read the full statement here.