Welcome to Bayview Kids!

The So&So Show

Bayview Kids Events

Summer Kuddles

Join us every second Sunday morning on Zoom for our Bayview Kids Summer Kuddles! This is a circle time for the infants, toddlers and parents together, where we will sing together, hear from God's word and meet some new friends!

Register Here
Summer Camp

Bayview Kids is hosting a virtual Summer Camp on the mornings August 9th-13th for ages 4-11. The theme of our Camp is "Concrete and Cranes" and kids will learn about how to build their lives on the foundation of Jesus. We will kick-off the camp with an in-person pick-up for our camp supplies and finish off with an in-person family carnival! Register for camp by clicking the link below.

Camp Registration
Family Campfire

Calling all Bayview Kids families to our Summer Campfires! Come to Bayview Glen's backyard to sing, play games, connect with other families and make s'mores! We have two campfire dates: Thursday July 15 and Thursday July 29 from 7:00-8:30pm.

Register Here
Coffee Chats

Join us throughout the summer as we sip coffee and connect with other Bayview Kids parents in your neighbourhood park!Sign up for your local Coffee Chat and we will bring your starbucks order!

Register Here

Connect With Us!

Connect with our Bayview Kids Director: kids@bayviewglen.org