Resuming In-Person Services

September 12, 2021

Scroll down for more details.

Dear Church Family,

As restrictions start to lift and as we continue through Ontario's Roadmap to Reopen, we want to update you regarding our reopening plans for in-person ministry.

We plan to reopen all in-person ministry on Sunday, September 12. This includes in-person programming for all ages, kids through adults. To help us prepare for this, we will be holding in-person SERVE Team training on three Sundays in August. This will allow our SERVE Teams to worship together and then have a time of training.

If you are not part of a SERVE Team, I would encourage you to find a place to serve. We serve together so that everyone, everywhere, can experience God's love and his created purpose through Jesus. Head to our SERVE page for more info.

We very much look forward to the chance to worship, pray, and journey together in person very shortly!

As always, if you have any questions, please contact us at

See you soon,
Executive Pastor